Letters to the Church


A series of heartfelt, reasonable questions about the current state of the church written from a place of love and concern. It’s hard to imagine reading this and not at least trying things in a different way. I’ve given many copies away and the response is pretty consistent. How did we get so far off…

As Francis Chan puts it, it’s as though God asked for a steak dinner and we brought him our best plate of spaghetti. It’s not that spaghetti isn’t good, it’s just not what he asked for, not what he wanted. And there is a cost to it.

I think of Letters to the Church as a gateway into a much broader world of asking hard questions and processing modern church reality. To Francis’ credit, he did something about the content in the book, leaving the predominant Western church model and embracing a home church network approach.

I don’t know of another leader with that kind of fame being willing to leave it all out of conviction.