This book is sort of the masterpiece from The Life Model group (formerly known as Shepherd’s House). This group became the place that the “unfixable” trauma cases were sent from all over the U.S. And almost without exception they were able to walk with those in need into a place of healing and restoration where you could not even tell they had ever been in such a bad place.
It is a broad AND deep book. It will take you a while to work through it. If reading the book description below just seems like too much, maybe don’t read it yet. But when you’re ready, it’s incredible.
The Life Model is a unifying approach to ministries of counseling, recovery, pastoral care, prayer ministry, deliverance, inner healing, child rearing, body life, and health. Substance abuse recovery programs internationally are guided by the Life Model’s five principles. Because the Life Model develops strong maturity, it is widely used as a church model, particularly where people must face suffering.