

This book was the introduction to a topic that would absolutely transform my understanding of this Christian life. It was also my introduction to Jim Wilder (my friends joke about how many of his books I’ve read).

Jim and Kitty Wilder were very close, affectionate friends with Dallas and Jane Willard. Dallas was the beloved voice of discipleship and spiritual disciplines for millions in modern Christian society. At the end of his life after many deep discussions with Jim, he humbly shared that what Jim shared led him to believe he had misunderstood salvation for all of these years.

Knowing he did not have the time left on this earth to write the book that would set it straight, Dallas asked Jim to do it on his behalf. Jim humbly agreed, and very tenderly and honoringly delivered it after Dallas passed.

Heads up: the first two chapters will likely feel over your head. The following chapters makes sense of it, and are so very worth the read. Processing the theme of this book set our home church on a path that we often describe as “loving in meaningful ways”.